Since I received the clay and tools I ordered a few weeks ago, I’ve tried out the various types of clay and made some short videos that I cut together to a longer clip. I started out with a material called Bubber, which handles a bit like snow (except that it isn’t cold). It comes in powder form and you just work it with your hands until it becomes more solid. It’s very light and pretty easy to make shapes with but doesn’t hold together very well so I quickly gave up using it for animating figures. I’ll probably use it for props and other background material.
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Time to play with clay!
I’ve bought some clay, tools and stuff to start making claymation videos! I didn’t know quite what to get (which type of clay etc) so I just picked out some different types of clay and some tools that might come in handy. Hopefully I’ll have time to make a short video this weekend starring clay in some form.